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My Top Ten Organization Tips for 2018

Every year I vow to be more organized. Here are my top ten organization tips for 2018!

1. Write it down. Make lists daily and weekly of what you want to accomplish and cross off items as you complete them. Daily weekly, and monthly planners are all the rage these days! Here's a link to mine that you can purchase and print yourself.

2. Prioritize. Decide what is more important. Don't get bogged down with unimportant items. If they don't get done, will it really matter?

3. Make time for yourself. This is especially important if you work at home. Make time to relax. Take a walk. Play with the kids.

4. Do it right away. Don't put off for tomorrow what can be done today.

5. Clean up at the end of the day. It doesn't take very long to put things away. Remember "a place for everything and everything in its place."

6. Go paperless. Get your bills emailed to you. Think of all the trees you will save!

7. Practice purging. Go through your closet and get rid of things you haven't worn in a year. Donate or consign. If it doesn't make you happy, get rid of it.

8. Make your bed in the morning. You'll just feel better.

9. Go through your mail when it comes in. File important items and throw away or shred the junk.

10. Train your family to follow your good habits!

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Until next time...